Bricks cracking when drilling
I have a 70s red brick house in Melbourne and I'm trying to put up some outdoor blinds. But I haven't had any luck drilling into the bricks without cracking them. Or at least the bricks on the house anyway, a lose brick I have to test seems to be drilling fine. Is there anything I can do to stop the cracks happening?
Here's what I'm using/doing:
Ozito rotary hammer drill Full bore masonry bit 5mm The lube from the ozito drill kit Drill settings per the picture of the drill, but rotary hammer setting with max speed (5)
Pics 1-2 the wall I want to drill and cracks appearing wherever I try Pics 3-4 drill settings and drill bit Pic 5 a lose brick I have to test with the same settings as I'm using on the wall and that isn't causing cracks
Am I doing something wrong or are the cracks unavoidable?