Possibility of adding zones to ducted AC?


I have a 4 bedroom house with a Daikin ducted AC and am looking to add zones to the system.

Units are:

Indoor Unit: FDYQ180MV1

Outdoor Unit: RZYQ7PY1

Controller: BRC1E63

Wifi Module: BRP15B61

My main goal is adding 6 zones that I can control easily via an app (i.e. remotely toggling zones, setting schedules, etc).

After a bit of research, I believe it should be possible to utilize a Daikin AirHub (https://www.daikin.com.au/controllers/daikin-airhub) and their 24v zone dampers.

Alternatively, there is the older "Daikin BRC24Z8A 24V 8 Zone Controller". Not as fancy, but when looking online I found several other people who had the same combination of indoor/outdoor/zone controller units working perfectly.

I have contacted a few local installers (ACT), but none of them want to entertain the idea that a Daikin Airhub can be used. When asking directly why, the answer was always "We're only doing that for new builds because the margins are higher that way". Honest, but quite infuriating. All their solutions are 240v zone dampers and a 6 gang light switch, which doesn't really meet my requirements.

Since this is 24v I won't need an electrician and I am fairly handy (been in the roof several times to change insulation and repair torn ducts). What I would need is likely:

Wall Controller: BRCMTZCB9

Controller Box: BRC24TZ8B9

Zone Damper: QZD1024V and QZD1224V (a previous quote from an AC installer kindly listed the amount of the different sizes they need)

What I am unsure about is if the controller box also provides power to the zone dampers or if I need a dedicated 24v transformer for each of them. Also, do the zone dampers come with the RJ12 cables or do I need to buy them separately?

Any thoughts on this?