New to reloading, Dillon 550c questions about brass prep

Hi everyone,

Brand new to reloading and just acquired myself a 550c and have questions about brass prep (the worst stage seemingly).

I'm trying to figure the simplest operation for prepping 223/bottle neck cartridges as straight wall pistol seems to be quite straight forward.

This is keeping in mind I have yet to reload or process a single case, very new to it all.

I know that you should resize before trim due to case lengthening on the resize but I'm not after super accurate ammo yet just want to keep a safe length.

My thought pattern is this:

1 - Buy and use a Lyman case trim Xpress for trimming (don't have any brass prep tools yet) but seems quick.

2 - Buy and use a Lyman case prep center for quick and ease deburring/chamfering etc.

3 - Run all prepped brass through wet tumble/dry (need to buy wet tumbler) this method seems best for case cleaning and reducing lead exposure by not being dry tumbled.

4 - Setup press with dies and run cases through reloading process, I understand this stage will of course resize and decap my brass at this point. I have heard a lot of people don't bother with primer pocket cleaning for plinking ammo.

Let me know if any of this is backwards as I'm open to all options just want to find an efficient and easy method for bulk processing and loading without maybe having to setup 2 step stages to the DIllon. Also would love recommendations for a wet tumbler originally wanted the Frankford arsenal 7L but I don't believe you can get it here?

Cheers for any help!