Property manager threatening to go to VCAT and “freeze” my bond, is this legal?
Property manager completed final inspection and emailed me demanding I go back and clean the apartment again and to provide her with the receipt of carpet steam cleaning. (There is an additional clause in my lease agreement that requires carpets to be steam cleaned at end of the tenancy). We did hire professional cleaners (no carpet steam cleaning though) after moving out and the apartment was left in the same condition we found it. On top of that, they had an inspection in the apartment two days after the cleaning.
She sent an email on Friday and then it was the weekend so I didn’t reply. I later found out I can initiate my bond claim without having to wait for the landlord to agree to it. And so I claimed my bond over the weekend.
On Monday morning I received an email from my property manager asking if I received her previous email about the final inspection and cleaning. She also said she noticed I initiated my bond claim and that she “will have to go to VCAT and freeze your bond if you don’t reply to the below. Will wait your reply”.
Now, I don’t know a lot about tenancy law but that did not feel very legal. Obviously, I replied to her very politely and respectfully saying we left the apartment in a reasonably clean condition and that since there was an inspection after our professional cleaning we can’t be held responsible for the carpet’s condition.
But are property managers allowed to threaten tenants like this, is this even legal? If she does take me to VCAT, will this threat help my case in any way?
Edit: correcting the question to what i actually meant