What’s some financial “must know” tips you’d advise a 25 year old just starting out?

Don't know if this will be posted, fingers crossed ...

I'm 25 years old, and I feel really lost. Lost my dad, a couple years back, walked away from friends that talked horribly behind my back and got myself used for a good solid year and put into a "situationship" (disgusting word).

I use to have ~$25,000-$30,000 in savings but got drained by my mom and was made to pay her financial hardships and bad choices.

At the end of Dec, I moved to AUS. I am dual, I got family here but I'm still "on my own" besides my sister, who also moved with me, and is younger.

So far we got a rental, paying about $615 per week which, divide by 2.

Our other expenses is startup (having to get pots, pans, mattresses) that gist, and we have to pay for electricity and water. I do not know how much this costs.

I had about ~11k in savings from last year (not the best), another $4,500 went to my mom, despite me moving she begged and harassed me to loan her money due to her mortgage.

Now moving here I'm down to $4,800 and it's all getting eaten up by rent. Since I landed I've been applying for jobs, and had no luck. I do have two entry level interview jobs coming up, which for the meantime will be OK, so I can pay my rent and basically save as best as I can.

... My "ex" and the way he treated me really destroyed my confidence, self esteem. I feel like dirt.

I just want to be able to live comfortably (survive, have savings) and be secure for the future. I don't really spend money besides on food.

So basically TL:DR:

What are some financial tips (as I was never taught finance, and have a disability with math) you are willing to advise on?

So far my main plan is:

  • Save money.

  • Try to work 7 days a week, keep saving after expenses and not buying anything.

  • Buy ETFs...

  • 5% Account from one of the Bank, to also save.

I also might try school (plumber, or graphic designer) but I don't know if I can afford it now, or even property management but I'm shy and suck at talking to people.

So any tips on what you can recommend and or jobs to a 25 year old girl? Trying to survive and secure a better future? And also prove awful people wrong?