Anyone in the UK having a crisis of “extreme sense of justice” after the news of cuts to disability benefits?
I don’t claim any disability benefits. But I’m not one of those people who can just say “well it doesn’t affect me” and move on.
For anyone not in the UK, the government has decided to start cutting benefits for people who they deem as “not disabled enough” and force them into work.
It’s already insanely difficult to get them in the first place. You have to jump through so many hoops. You have to explain your most humiliating struggles to a random stranger over the phone, have multiple assessments, provide evidence, and even then you can wait for a year or more to be given an answer as to whether you’ll be awarded it or not.
Disabled people rely on this money to live. They CANNOT work. The government are stating that mental health conditions, things like ADHD/autism, pretty much any non-visible disability, is not eligible for benefits and you’ll be forced to get a job. And I’m fairly sure there will be plenty of visibly disabled people who will also be expected to get a job as well.
I’ve seen countless brain-dead losers all over social media claiming that they “know” people who get PIP just because they want a free car or to not have to work. PIP has a fraud rate of 0%. Nobody that is currently on PIP is claiming it without being eligible. I’ve also seen people say things like “mental health/ND is an excuse. Everyone experiences stress and anxiety, it’s not a reason to not work so they should not be allowed to claim benefits”.
I tend to get very involved in things like this. My sense of justice is incredibly strong. I cannot for the life of me fathom how people can be okay with cutting funding for the most vulnerable people, even celebrating it and abusing disabled people over the bloody internet, and sleep well at night.
These politicians are on £75k + a year plus expenses. We send billions in foreign aid. We let rich people and big businesses get away with not paying taxes. All the while, our healthcare system is crumbling, the education system is a mess, wages do not rise with the cost of living, and vulnerable people are now having to worry about whether they’re going to be able to feed themselves and keep a roof over their heads.
The people rejoicing over this would do well to remember that being disabled is the one minority group that they could end up being a part of at any time.
Anyway, I just needed a rant. I’ve not even been able to get out of bed today because I’m just doom-scrolling and trying to find some little bits of hope that not everyone is completely lacking in empathy and compassion.