Cooking and cleaning feel impossible
I feel like such a lazy POS because cooking and cleaning are so incredibly overwhelming for me that I just...don't. Actually, I'm going to correct myself--it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I'm fatigued from dealing with ADHD/autism/ocd all day (plus cooking/cleaning are really difficult for me sensory-wise). I genuinely don't understand how people have the capacity to work all day and then come home and cook. I just can't do it. My husband is also exhausted from work so we just end up eating out and blowing our money. It sucks and I feel so guilty but where do I get the energy?? I'm currently working with a psychiatrist to get me properly medicated so I can hopefully function a little better. I was low on some nutrients as well so she's having me take supplements.
I just feel like such a failure. My husband really does help whenever he can but again, we're BOTH tired af. Life is exhausting to begin with, and then you've gotta add taking care of yourself and others on top of it 😭 How do people manage??
Edit: I just wanted to thank you all for how incredibly kind and compassionate you are!! What an amazing community. 🥹 You all had such great advice that's totally doable and I intend to implement them into my routine! Thank you everybody ❤️