Nutritionist or other options?
TLDR: what to expect from a nutritionist; what’s the best way to get your diet in order?
So I worked with a nutritionist for an about 6-8 weeks. Outside of telling me to make half my plate veggies, protein at every meal and eating every 3-4 hours, she didn’t give much more direction. She occasionally asked about workouts and convinced me to try new classes but that’s about it. And have some good snack suggestions.
I didn’t feel like I was getting much out of it and after a week or two of us not scheduling I just gave up. I realize I need to be accountable for following but am also not thrilled she didn’t check in. Again I get that I’m an adult and am accountable. But maybe it wasn’t the right fit as I want a bit more of a push.
For those of you who have seen a nutritionist before what did they do? What should I look for in a nutritionist. Or do you have other recommendations for the diet side of fitness?