Is This Terrible of Me?
My husband and I have a 13 year old pomeranian. I was never a small dog person, but I swear she picked me! We got her at eight weeks and she has been the joy of my life.
Up until a few weeks ago her health was 100%. She has all her teeth, no trachea issues, not even arthritis in a leg she broke as a puppy. The vet just cannot (could not) get over how healthy she is for a pom.
A few weeks ago my husband and I went on vacation and a few days after picking her up from the kennel I noticed her head tilting and her balance is off. Took her to the vet and she diagnosed her with geriatric vestibular disease. She is not in pain (I swear I asked the vet if she was at least a dozen times), she is going out as normal and eating and drinking as normal and still having "discussions" with our four year old rescue pupper. But when she lays down too long her balance issue is heartbreaking.
But here's the thing, at her age I do not want to put her through MRI's and things. So we're not really doing anything. Is this terrible of us? Her quality of life is 99% I'd say with the 1% being when her balance gets really bad.
We're basing our decision on the fact that our first dog was a sheltie mix who got cancer at 8 years old. Since he was fairly young we did all the tests, surgery and chemo and it was excruciating for him. He started to hate the vet, the shots, the pills and even car rides because he thought every ride was a ride to the vet. And in the end it only extended his life, at most, a couple months. And those couple months weren't great because he seemed so angry. I said I would never put a dog through all that again.
At 13 she has has a great life. We always took her everywhere she was allowed to go. She's been all up and down the east cost, had stayed in countless hotels and played on multiple beaches. She can go to work with me. Everyone loves her. I swear she's been spoiled. But I still feel very guilty.