How many hot drinks do you average during a day?

I got talking with one of my coworkers about how many cups of tea or coffee we have during a day or when we’re off work.

I’m a delivery driver myself, so when I’m at work I obviously find it quite difficult to have hot drinks unless I stop off at Costa/Starbucks etc, whereas I assume office workers have it easier to consume more hot drinks throughout the day?

Well, he said if he’s off work he can average upwards towards 25+ cups in a day… I find that amount to be absolutely absurd, maybe if I didn’t eat a single thing all day I could drink that many but how in the hell does someone manage that? Even when I’m off work, I average 3 maybe 4 cups & I call it there. 2 coffees, 1-2 teas.

How many cups are you guys having?