I’m going to be father and I’m absolutely bricking it - can other parents share any advice?
Afternoon all, hope you’re well!
It was confirmed that my wife’s 6 weeks pregnant and I’m as the title advises….absolutely bricking it like I’m close to crying but don’t want to cry and also want to be sick.
31M and wife 30 but what do I do now to support my wife?
Do I start buying things like Moses baskets and sudocream is there a list? Should I buy alternatives if so what would you recommend?
Is there anything baby related I can buy second hand that would be good
Are there any books I can read or decent material?
How do I not fuck up raising a child?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated x
Edit: Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Means so much that you’re all taking the time to respond and provide advice. I think the best thing (and biggest takeaway) I can do now is take a break and take things one step at a time, baby steps - pun intended!