Where can I turn to for help? Thyroidectomy, bereavement, mental health, physical health?

Hi everyone

I’m looking for some advice on where I can turn to for help - I’m pretty desperate.

This year has been terrible for me and I really need help.

I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease (overactive thyroid) in Feb this year but think l've had symptoms for at least maybe a year before that..... maybe even years before at times? Who knows! I became really ill with the symptoms, pretty much bedbound. High heart rate when trying to do anything, breathless, dizzy, severe fatigued, stomach problems, nausea, severe depression and anxiety. I genuinely thought I was dying. The anti thyroid meds didn't work for me - they affected my liver and I felt terrible on them! So had total thyroidectomy in July.

A couple of weeks before the op, I’d been staying with my parents because of how unwell I’d been feeling. Unfortunately my mum because unwell suddenly, struggling to breathe and I had to call an ambulance. She was taken to hospital.

It turned out that she was very ill. I went ahead with the surgery and my mum unfortunately passed away the next day.

Struggling to get over everything - how I have this illness and l've had to remove an organ. Struggling with the fact I have to take Levo for life, unsure if it's working properly - levels are still stabilising I think? Scared of it all and facing life without a thyroid and waiting for another illness to crop up

Struggling to come to terms with losing my mum.

I feel like something bad is happening to me everyday. My mind feels terrible. I’m not sure which is thyroid related and which is mental health.

I have had crisis team involvement but they’ve now discharged me.

Help and advice appreciated