Why do so many deny the diverse culture of TT, Jamaica, Guyana, Haiti, Barbados etc

I remember having an argument a few weeks back because this, for lack of better words, bloody idiot, was claiming to know more about Caribbean culture & history (specifically of Trinidad and Tobago) versus me despite not even being Caribbean themselves at all. The argument started because I mentioned how multiple different cultures integrating into the Caribbean has resulted in us now sharing many aspects of those cultures. Like how many Indians came to countries like TT, Jamaica, Guyana etc so a lot of us are mixed and even if not we still eat stuff like curry roti etc and observe holi, and similar can be said with the Chinese immigrants who brought there culture and so on and so on. They were telling me, despite giving multiple sources from sites like Trinidad Guardian and NALIS since they asked, that I was lying and trying to claim culture that didn't belong to me which sounded super ignorant. They straight up said "Trinidad is in South America, not sure where you got China and India from" and "You don't have to pretend to be Asian just because you like kpop music". Now in the real world you must know I would handle disrespect with A LICK but this is the internet so that's not virtually possible :( I also see many who are Caribbean denying this history as well which upsets me. Obviously we are Caribbean at heart but when it's necessary we have to admit we didn't just start making curry and using words like bacchanal from nowhere