What happened with the announced Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana ferry service?

Half a year ago there was a lot of news on the announcement of a new ferry service between Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana. I haven't heard much since and I've been trying to find information on when/if it's set to start. When it was announced it was said to start later this year.

"Dr. Ali said the ferry should be in operation in “another two/ three months.” though he hopes it will be operational much sooner." On Feb 24, 2024 https://newsroom.gy/2024/02/24/guyana-barbados-trinidad-ferry-to-set-sail-within-three-months-president-ali/

I'm planning a trip for next year and flight tickets are almost half the price out of Port of Spain so I had hoped to make use of this service. Any local updates?
