How Do You Build a Brushing Habit?

UPDATE: Hi Gents.. just want to say I’m a week in brushing twice daily. Everybody’s comments helped! the tough to read ones, the supportive ones.. I am feeling healthier, and was even told by a co-worker they noticed I’m smiling more! Thank you guys!

(25M) This was hard to post, and I know I might get some flack for having no oral health routine. I usually just wake up with enough time to get dressed, wash my face, and go. It’s not that I forget to brush—I just don’t do it or have the habit of doing it. I can’t even blame my parents; they were always on me about brushing twice a day. But since becoming an adult, I’ve slacked off.

My teeth aren’t in awful shape, and when I do brush, it feels good. I’ll even tell myself, “Tonight, we’ll brush again”. But that only lasts a few days. I do have some issues, like plaque buildup and small cavities forming. Unfortunately, I don’t have the money to see a dentist, nor do I have insurance that would cover it.

For those of you who’ve struggled with this, how did you build the habit of brushing?