Have you given up on achieving mastery and getting very good at something?
So I've read in various books now that it takes about 10000 hours of deliberate dedicated practice to become an expert at something.
The best time to start wouldve been in childhood. Unfortunately not everyone gets that oppurtunity and most parents don't really have the luxury to provide for their kids accumulate that much practice. Malcolm gladwell days it's a matter off luck more then mental skill. Also, as we age it just seems to get harder and harder. Past 25 I think the window to "start fresh" closes and your just way too far behind to become a master or expert at something, and you simply don't have the time.
After working 40-50 hours, spending time with family, running errands, and staying fit, i dont know how one fits in the requisite practice needed to become an expert. Everyone is kinda just going through the motions. They work a regular job with a growth ceiling and just remain there. That is their domain of mastery cause thats where they accumulate 10000 hours, but because the return on investing effort is limited for the most part they just go about their days not caring.
Now I kinda get it when people give up, drink, watch TV all day and just meandering through life. Its not good obviously and leads to depression and misery over the long run but I dont see any other way for most people. Life simply doesn't seem to be set up to allow anything else.
I'm wondering if there are guys out there who started late over 30 who are still pursuing 10000 hours mastery at something? Do you think you'll get there?