Do you ever get jealous of men who seemingly have it all? If so, how do you deal with it?
We hired this guy recently into our M&A team and he's quite a sharp and knowledgeable lad. Not only that but he's 6'5, the whole blonde hair, blue eyes deal, really handsome and jacked. He looks very similar to Brad Pitt in Troy. You'd think God would nerf someone that physically gifted with awkward social skills or something but nope! He's very funny, charismatic and charming too.
I'm not really the type of guy to get jealous of other men about what they have and don't have since you usually don't know the full story BUT... I can't help but feel jealous. On his first day, every woman in the office was SWOONING. This one girl even offered to make him a coffee in the morning just to talk and look at him.
It's honestly kind of wild to see his effect on women in the workplace. This is supposed to be a professional setting and the ladies are going absolutely crazy.