So, my fingers are weird. But why?
Hi! I'm intersex, 22 years old. Not diagnosed with anything physical, but I am diagnosed with autism and ADHD, and suspected for BPD, OCD and/or PTSD. This is something I've only noticed now, but has been present since I was a child.
I was complaining to my husband, and showing him why I cannot play video games with WASD: I can't move my middle finger from S to W, without also moving my index finger (and usually, my whole hand with it). This prompted him to look more closely at my fingers, and he pointed out that my middle finger curves towards my ring finger, instead of being straight, like normal. This is true on both of my hands, so it's not from an accident or something like that. I know it's been present since childhood, since it explains why, no matter how hard I tried as a kid, I could never hold my pencil "correctly". As implied by me being unable to move between S and W, my middle finger also has reduced dexterity, and it takes me more effort to move it precisely compared to my other fingers.
My question is more or less the title. Is there a common medical reason my hands may be like this, or some sort of word for it? Or is this just a normal quirk in how my body looks, like how some people are born with different-sized noses? It's not disabling, and it doesn't cause any pain; I've been able to go all of my life unbothered enough by it to not consciously notice any abnormalities (aside from being unable to use WASD or hold a pencil in the way my elementary school deemed "correct").
Here's a pic for reference: Again, this is consistent across both of my hands.
Thank you!