False Resignation
My husband works for a fleeting company as an Account Manager (AM) in California. He’s been with this position for almost 2 years. Today he was forced to resign. Please give me some advice on what to do. His company started to take a turn maybe about 1-1.5 years ago. They were about to claim bankruptcy. People started quoting and getting fired like crazy. He fortunately stayed with the company but they were always 1-3 paychecks behind for almost 1-1.5 years. By December 2023 they kind of caught up with paychecks. (I kept telling him to report the company to the U.S Department of Labor). My husband saw the good in the company. Now mind you he originally started with this company In another position and then one of the bosses promoted him and his pay was obviously different now his pay is in salary. The abused him. Had him doing his previous job with the new job sending him out of state and still expecting him to finish all his work in time. Now recently shit hit the fan again! His secretary resigned (half there employees are from another country) this poor lady resigned because of all the health issues she was getting from this company. Once she resigned my husband got the full load he was the only employee with his title handling all these fleets. He was doing it for 2-3 months. This at his company just kept getting worse. His new supervisor told him and the bosses he wanted my husband to only do AM (kudos to the new supervisor). This new supervisor which is in a different department is now handling my husband’s department. The company swears up and down that they have a new vision for the company yet treat their employees like shit and their customers poorly. The new supervisor would tell my husband his expectations and my husband would work tirelessly day to night trying to meet his expectations. My husband for the most part was in top of his shit. We work from home and I always heard every phone call meeting etc. I saw it all. My husband is truly an MVP. Anyways Last week they had a meeting I believe the ceo said to everyone “we have a new vision for the company and most of you aren’t going to cut it”. Fast forward to today the supervisor is now bleeding my husband dry!!!! Sucking the life out of him and my husband is kicking ass and doing everything he’s being told to do with a sense of urgency. Anyways I’m getting heated because this is where it gets worse and I’m in shock. Today we woke up like any other day my husband had a meeting at 3pm and before the meeting the new supervisor decided to have my husband do work in 1 hour that was due for tomorrow! Now I thought that was fishy… at that time it was 12pm he sent it in at 1 pm the meeting hadn’t happened yet. Now it’s 3pm and I couldn’t eavesdrop I was busy with work but my husband came out and I noticed something off and I asked about the meeting he said he got fired. And shit to my surprise I said wtf why? He said because again the company has a different vision and they said he was not it. They gave my husband 2 options…. Option 1: you resign with mutual separation and we’ll pay you your entire check and pto and give you an extra pay for next week. The cherry is that he can you then as a reference for another job. Option 2: they fire him and if they fire him the new supervisor will do write ups for my husband. My husband has never been written up in this company! All of a sudden this dude wants to make write ups of supposed things that happened in the past! I mean are you crazy that’s not legally right! And that oh he can’t use them as a reference as if they’re a good company to work for. Now during this time they were pressuring my husband to choose option one. He did not do this willingly. They forced my husband to resign. They were bullying him. The people in the call was HR & the new sup. With all that my husband in shock and bullied into doing so he resigned. I explained to him that he shouldn’t have done that he needs to get unemployment. As weird as this is the hr lady sent him a pamphlet for unemployment for mutual separation. Can someone please give us advice on what to do? My husband has not signed any of the paperwork from the company. Thank you