Was anybody else’s parents weird about your body hair growing up?

F26 and growing up I was never allowed to shave my legs, specifically enforced by my AM. On special occasions, I could use Nair but even then it was something that caused an argument. “You don’t need to shave your legs” “It’ll grow back thicker” etc. She even tried to tell me that if I regularly used lotion, the leg hairs would eventually fall off. She was very much against me removing leg hair in any form, laser, Nair, and shaving. However, once I hit puberty and was able to grow armpit hair, she would constantly tell me to pluck or use an epilator on my armpits regularly. It grossed her out when I didn’t do it everyday. I don’t let them grow crazy or anything, but I’ll skip a few days and let it be. It’s not like they’re that visible and I’m not intimate with anyone, so it didn’t bother me. I’d rather shave my legs because I like being able to wear cute dresses or skirts that obviously shows the legs. Having unshaven legs being visible to me is more embarrassing than having a few armpit hairs that’ll be covered anyways from wearing long sleeves.