Arranged marriage scene is toxic
So I have been on AM scene for a good 6 months now. I had enrolled to this WhatsApp based matrimonial based out of Kerala. The reach is much better cuz of WhatsApp being the platform and hence the rest of it as well. So I decided to enroll for this.
Before sending a text to a profile (mostly girl's father or mother is the contact), I verify on online horoscope whether there is a basic match or not. It has 95% accuracy and so I consider a ballpark figure and proceed if the score is above that. Just so as to avoid unnecessary "horoscope not matching" comments or time wasting.
Cut to now, almost a majority of the profiles I have messaged have rejected me saying horoscope doesn't match. And they send this after I send my birthchart as well as pictures (which is what parents demand always after seeing the initial bio data). I have understood people definitely don't like my skin color. And the sad part is a huge chunk of our society still feels dark skin people aren't worthy.
Cut to today, my worst fear came true. So I had messaged one of the girl's mother. They asked me to share bio data. I did so. Then they asked me about salary. I felt a bit hesitant and a red flag warning sort of at that moment but then I felt anyways I had mentioned to share my salary details upon contact, so brushed it off and sent my income details. Then she asked for a pic which was also sent.
She was supposedly forwarding all these to her daughter and by mistake she also forwarded a voice note. In that she was saying how upon first look of my bio data, she felt okay but then after seeing my pics she couldn't. She further went on to say I looked ugly and if I am so ugly she couldn't think of how bad my behaviour is. She was also laughing and saying that I didn't have a mother.
After toiling through out my 20s, fighting lakhs of people to get into a tier 1 college, all that people can notice is my dark skin or the way I look. I saw a post by a girl on similar lines, i really felt sad for her and today I know standing in the same shoes. Pathetic! Our so called culture for which we are sacrificing comedians is literally a box of shit. And the way our generation is handling stuff, it's all set to be doomed and extinct. When will we start coming out of thinking about petty stuff such as looks, income, status and start discussing real topics such as health, knowledge, career aspirations, etc.