Alt account deke farming. something no one is talking about
I hear people constantly argue about m61s and red ammo and wondered why we constantly seem to have a steady supply of them in the market in the first place. I also keep hearing people say it’s because devs price/supply fix the market but offer no evidence or support where this claim even come from.
Instead I offer a more likely reason. Alt account deke farming. I suspect there may be hundreds possibly thousands of accounts that certain peoople are exploiting just to roll deke an extra 3x a day, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that small fries may have 2-3 alts since that’s easy enough to manage, what if i told you there were people managing 50 accounts logging in 3x a day rolling deke a total of 150. How much T5, T6 ammo, keys and other premium gear would they accumulate.
Open your eyes people, there are day traders flipping ammo all day, exploiting rng system through deke for massive gains and ultimately huge influence to the economy and game.
Most of you know first hand experience how rare red ammo rolls from crates. Some people may even have found secret doc before finding red ammo from crate. Deke is where it’s coming from. Deke is a vulnerability. Cut off the vulnerability and the problem is fixed. No more huge volume of red ammo available, no more people complaining about getting 1 tapped by m61