I dont understand the hate

I' ve spent over 500 hours in the game now and honestly i still think the game is great. I've read countless posts regarding a problem against thermals, yet i personally dont have a problem with them. I encounter them only every 5-6 raids (lockdown and forbidden zone on farm) and i mostly enjoy fighting them since theyre mostly easy to outplay and outaim so 2 mil for my stash. I also read countless posts about people crying about the game beeing shit or unbalanced, saying how much better diffrent games like EFT or Delta force are, yet i dont understand why they dont play these games instead then? How should the balancing team gather usefull feedback if every second post is someone whining about something they dont like? The game will never be perfect for everyone, it simply isnt possible, everyone has diffrent playstyle and preferences, if you dont like thermals dont q valley, if you dont like close quarter combat then dont q tv station. ABI is a great game on its foundation and i believe the devs are listening to what we complain abt and will work on the things and that takes time. Unlike other games i never had any bugs or exploits in the game, since the dev team seemingly takes their time to do their work