I call hacks!
Was playing a round before going to bed and this round was so weird. When the round started no. 1 went and hid immediately, I followed the other 2 and stand guard while they opened locked door. As soon as they got out, a player miraculously knew where we were (despite the entire time we were sneaking and covered) and, started throwing impact nades directly where we were. 1 of us didn’t make it and but I managed to take revenge for my teammate.
The entire time that player walked/ran past no. 1 as if he wasnt even there, and coincidentally no. 1 was “afk.” Me and the other teammate were discussing abt what had happened and jot it down to no. 1 controlling that player to kill us and himself. Our theory was that he using 2 devices with 2 different accounts and timing both accounts so that they could be played at the same time within the same map. We reported him, and another coincidence is that he started moving the moment I killed the player.