Application withdrawn bc my counselor didn’t submit grades
the deadline to submit for missing northwestern materials was yesterday and my counselor still didn't send in my transcript ig so I got the email that they withdrew me couple of hours ago. schools admin sent emails to a bunch of kids that they weren't authorized to send people's grades yet but that was a while ago+emailed my counselor before with no updates.
already emailed her+the school but I may just let it be. think my application just wasn't strong enough to go on. Just sucks that I did my stuff early and everything and this happened cause of admin
Update: wasn't expecting this to get this many views/comments? For the record I confronted my counsleor and she finally managed to send my grades to the rest of my schools so I'm not worried about that anymore. NW got back and said I already missed the deadline and they're not accepting anything else so it's a no so that's that. I know a lot of people said to fight this harder (espically with the tone of my og post, my bad it was really just me venting and first time posting lol) but truth is this is kind of a recurring issue (same w/other students!) and I've already made a lot of other complaints. Really just waiting to graduate and leave at this point, don't have the energy to make this any bigger. I have other schools accept me already and I got my other applications fixed so I'm fine rn
thnx for all the comments tho, truly appreciate it. if there's any lesson from this PUT YOUR COUNSELORS THRU IT. sometimes u have to literally push them to do the bare minimum! but if it's your future it's important. overall this is really the end of my situation for now