Cancer research mistrust
As the daughter of two cancer researchers it never ceases to sadden me when people are convinced that the cure to cancer is as simple as diet and that the truth is being hidden from all of us. I saw my parents dedicate decades of their time, energy, intellect, and passion trying to save lives - along with colleagues and collaborators from across the world. To think that there's some global conspiracy that all cancer researchers have agreed to... what? Dedicate their lives to a lie? Agree en masse to keep this massive secret? Spend hours at the bench or applying for grant after grant in the pursuit of nothing? The people who think this must have very little faith in humanity, and that's very very sad. Edited to add: I think this really affects me personally because my own husband has been diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic degenerative disease that will cause his early death in middle age. There is no cure or even the possibility of a hope of one, so far. I'd kill to have hundreds of researchers across the world dedicated to curing his disease but the fact of the matter is that it's so rare it will only ever be niche research.