How do you guys cope with the hell that is apartment living?

I'm a 33 year old female and I suspect I'm autistic (I'm waitlisted for an evaluation but my youngest nephew was diagnosed). I'm highly anxious and over sensitive to sounds. I've been living on my own since I lost both parents at 23 and as a one person household, apartments are all I can afford to rent. In the last ten years, I've lived in over a dozen apartments because the people who live beside me or below me (I always live on the top most floor) are always incredibly loud. Some play their music really loud, but it's mostly the violent movement that's the problem.

I just moved into a new apartment a month ago that has turned out to be a hell ten times worse than the one I was previously at (where my neighbors were intentially banging on our shared wall and where my pup and I were nearly mauled by two offleash american bulldogs). The people below me are playing their music so loud that their bass vibrates my floors and it sounds like they're playing their music in my apartment. The biggest issue is that they're doing something (the only way I can explain it is it sounds like they're dropping heavy furniture from ten feet in the air) that causes such a loud, violent disturbance that it shakes my apartment half of the time and scares the soul out of me and my ten year old pup.

In the short month we've been here, both of our health has seriously declined. I'm barely eating or sleeping. I have to sleep with earplugs every night (which kill my ears) because of how violently the people below me stomp. I'm forgetting things, I'm irritable all the time, and I've sunk into a very deep depression. My pup has started having accidents inside (which hasn't happened since she was potty trained at four months old) because she's so scared. Her stool has been loose for a few days because of how anxious she is and I have to fight her to come inside most of the time once we're done walking because she does not want to be in this apartment.

Management is of course doing nothing about it and won't allow me to break my lease without a fee using a doctor's note, which I've been permitted to do in the past. I can't afford the nearly 7k they're telling me it would be to break my lease. I just don't know what to do at this point. I have mutliple rugs laid out and have been stomping, slamming, and playing my music/TV really loud to try to block it all out and desensitize my pup so she's not so scared but all that does is stress us both out. I'm at my wits end and I have 14 months left of the lease because I'm an idiot who went with the duration that cost the least. I don't have any friends or family around that I could room with for free while I continue to pay for this place. It's been a decade of this crap and this is the breaking point for me. Next year, I'll have to live paycheck to paycheck renting a house because living like this is killing me and my little girl.

Does anyone have any advice on how we can make it the next 14 months?

Edit: the regional manager is allowing me to break my lease with a doctor's note! My sister has offered to let me put an rv on her acre of land next to her mobile home. Thank you everyone for your kind words and suggestions!