23 with Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorder

Sorry in advance, long read! Hey everyone, like in the caption, I have generalized anxiety and panic disorder. I was always an anxious and socially awkward kid, but in 2022, I started having really terrible panic attacks all of the time. It got to the point where I was afraid to leave the house or do anything in fear of a panic attack. A few month after that, I was prescribed Buspar, it really did help, I took it for over a year and then stopped because I genuinely felt like I no longer needed. Fast forward to two months ago. Everything above has started happening to me yet again. It got to the point where I went to a primary doctor to talk about my symptoms and she commented on my pulse being “a little bit high but that’s okay” I’d been previously told (in 2022, when this all begun) that really bad anxiety can cause a high pulse/high blood pressure sometimes. I’ve had an ekg done and blood work done, I was told that my heart was fine. Here’s the thing, I can be sitting completely still, no anxiety at all and my resting heart rate is upwards of 100bpm. I also can stand to go do something and it’ll skyrocket while I’m up walking around. Of course, this freaks me out and gives me even more anxiety. I am at my wits end. The only thing the doctors try to do is put me back on buspar (again, I stopped because I no longer needed it. That’s what they told me to do. I also have other personal reasons as to why I don’t want to be on medication permanently.) if it’s just anxiety causing all of this, what do I do? How do I make this all stop? I have a small child to care for an I can’t do it properly when I’m afraid to do anything bc my heart will not slow down. I also do not have the money/insurance to talk to a therapist.