Does anyone else just get overwhelmed by the amount of options and then not buy anything?
I try to buy as little as possible, and if I decide to buy something, it's usually used. However, I have recently received a nice inflation bonus from my employer and I wanted to treat myself to a food processor/Kitchenaid type of machine. The kind for kneading dough (english is not my first language). We bake our own bread three times a week and its tiring to knead it for 10-15 minutes everytime.
Since there were no used ones on sale, I decided to order a new one. I wanted one from Bosch since my MIL has one of theirs and it works great. There are 126 different types of kitchen machines on their website, all are called something like SUPERMOM3000 (nice sexism there) and differ only in their serial number. The product description is extremely long, lists all the different accessories they come with and differs only marginally between the different ones. There are 4 different series, but noone tells you what the differences are. There is a product guide, that's supposed to tell you which machine fits perfectly to your needs, but it's not giving me any recommendations. There are not even prices listed for all machines. Then I decided to google for tests and recommendations. Found a kitchen machine test that lists one of them as "best for kneading dough". Great, I'll just buy that one then? NO! The next one is "best for beating egg whites", another one is "best allrounder" and yet another one is "best value for money". WELL HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DECIDE WHICH ONE TO BUY???
I literally just wanted to buy a kitchen machine for baking, nothing fancy. I don't want to spend so much of my time reading all the different reasons why one machine is better than the other. In the end, I didn't buy a kitchen machine, and I won't be buying a new kitchen machine in the future either. Sometimes I wonder why capitalism makes it so hard to buy something when they want me to spend my money? I have decided to wait until someone sells a used one near me.