Struggling to understand cloze and the minimum information principle.

I'm still learning the best ways to distill all of my graduate-level content into anki cards. I've gotten much more of the hang of it since starting in the fall, but I'm struggling to understand some things still.

For cloze cards, which of these is best?


{{c1::This thing}} has {{c2::characteristic}}, does {{c3::function}}, and has been used in {{c4::context}} since {{c5::time}}.


{{c1::This thing}} has {{c2::characteristic}}, does {{c2::function}}, and has been used in {{c2::context}} since {{c2::time}}.

VERSION C (each line is a separate card):

  • This thing has {{c1::characteristic}}.
  • This thing does {{c1::function}}.
  • This thing has been used in {{c1::context}}.
  • This thing has been used since {{c1::time}}.

Sorry, I don't exactly know to word what it is I don't understand, so hopefully the way I laid this out gives you an idea of what I'm asking exactly. I don't know if I like Version A because it has the answers for the other cards right there. If I get c2 right after c1, did I know the answer, or did I just see it on the card right before? Is there merit to Version A I'm missing? Which of the three is best? Or does it depend on the situation?

And what about for a list like this?

  • {{c2::Thing A}} - {{c1::Function 1}}
  • {{c2::Thing B}} - {{c1::Function 2}}
  • {{c2::Thing C}} - {{c1::Function 3}}

Would it be better to have all of those things on one card, or make separate cards for each? Is it important to have cards that delete both the "function" and the "thing", or is that doing too much?