Suggestions for my wife please. She loves exciting battle shonens with good animation. She doesn't really care about story or character development or world building.
Here are her favorites (and non-favorites):
S-Tier - Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Solo Leveling
A-Tier - Hunter x Hunter, Kaiju No. 8
B-Tier - One Punch Man, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, My Hero Acadamia, Black Clover, Chainsaw Man (CM can probably be A-tier, but she got turned off by the fanservice),
C-Tier - Tokyo Ghoul, Hell's Pradise
D-Tier - 7 Deadly Sins, Tokyo Revengers, Attack on Titan (I don't know why she doesn't like AoT)
She's really really really hyped with Solo Leveling these days. So something like that. She tried to watch Fate stay/night, but she got bored with all the talking.
edit: Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Dragon Ball are all too old for her. She wouldn't like the animation.