Potential Hacking??

Ever since the breach happened and most of my items were swiped and replaced with necklaces, I've been so nervous about my account getting hacked into again. I have 2FA set up, reset my password to a different one compared to the old one that was hacked into, and have avoided anything or any jammer that may potentially cause me to get banned because of suspicious or inappropriate behavior.

Yesterday, I got logged out even though I wasn't inactive on my account. Like it just randomly logged me out. I thought it may have been due to me redeeming a bunch of gem codes and they logged me out because of security issues or suspicion. I tried to log back in and it kept saying, "Log in world error." After exiting out completely, restarting my laptop, and then retyping my password back in, I was able to get in.

That night, I noticed a few emails asking for a verification code to my account in order to log in. I was playing during these times the emails were sent to my account and I didn't have any issues after I managed to log back in after the world error, but I just want to know if that could have potentially been someone trying to hack me? I never was once prompted to enter those codes after I logged back in.

As I've said in previous posts before, I'm just now joining back after a few years so I'm not sure what the hacking situation is like nowadays or what it looks like, but I want to keep an eye out and see if I am possibly at risk for someone hacking into my account.

Has anyone dealt with this before and is it normal? Should I change my password again? Any help or advice is appreciated!!