Ok, CONFESSION TIME, folks! What was the DUMBEST thing you've done on AJ as you were figuring the game out? I'll go first....

I used to hoard sapphire potions to drop them, anytime I had one, I would go to a random place with a lot of Jammers and drop as many sapphire potions as possible, because I loved how happy it made everyone! Now, what is the issue here? Isn't this just normal? Well.... I did not know I could pick the sapphires up as well. I was somehow 100% convinced, that the person dropping the sapphires can NOT claim them.
So I would just... drop 10 sapphire potions, and leave, without collecting any of the sapphires I just dropped.
I really just was in it for the joy of sharing 😭 For so long it did not even cross my mind I could be getting sapphires from this too 😅