Some general questions about commissions

Summary of the points below:
Commissions for items and not saps something people get done?
What about higher priced commission? - I see 200 to 300 saps and need eight hours for the outline in the stile I do so will not make this

How to find people interested?
Where to ask for feedback on game related art?

Some explanations
So, I am a play wild player since beginning of last month and saw, that lots of people sell or trade art work they made for saps or cool items. Because I don’t have a shop I could just trade for items and that’s apparently such a hassle, that all other people I asked (they have also for items written on their commission sheet) never got a commission for an item, always for saps. Do I have to play mini games till getting a shop or was this just a coincident?
Also for prices I normally see around 200 to 300 saps and I don’t think I can make them for this. It takes around eight hours for me to even do the outline in the stile I normally draw in and then the colors are still missing. But are people even willingly to pay more, or should I just not make commissions if it takes me so much time?
How do I find people that want to get a commission done? Do I just make a post or are there special requirements? And is the a kind of artist meeting point where you can get feedback about game related art because where I normally post my drawings it’s a bit off because the theme just doesn’t match.
Ty for any help