When does the poopsquatch finally kick the bucket? An honest question for a man, and a life wasted
Serious question. When do y'all believe baby Andy the diaperman will finally die? Either from natural causes, or inevitably pissing off the wrong person. His skin infeshin' is absolutely disgusting, and even though he does it to himself he still has to live with the consequences that he is poisoning his own body with toxic blood from waddling around in piss and shit 24/7. He's a fat boy with diabetes and refuses to take care of it, relying on strangers to do it for him...and let's face it, everyone and I do mean EVERYONE who has met, seen, or heard of the poopsquatch hates him. Even his family. He eats like shit, acts like a spoiled toddler, cannot rely on pretty privaledge because he's an uggo wild Tonawanda poopsquash covered in filth. His crinkiez and tranquility all throughout da night doypurrshh (dat weally elp take way dat oooodurr) will not help, nor sooth him when the reaper finally comes a knockin'. I believe it will be in the next 5 or 10 years from a heart attack, or stroke because his blood is probably the consistency of mayonnaise, and toxic waste. Or, he will demand a dipey change from the wrong person, on the wrong day, and they finally take diaper Ditch out. Hopefully when that happens it will be livestreamed. Make your best guesses, and later when it inevitably happens the person closest to the date of demise can win a lifetime supply of crinklez and a teddy bear to boot! Maybe even a star gwobe to match your new supply of astronaut ABDL diapers, yayyyyyyyy 😊 💩.
Haffa goodone