Today randomly i received the message on the vine account "Your Vine account has been closed for violating one or more of the Vine terms and conditions. You will still be able to view your Vine reviews and Vine order history but will no longer be able to request Vine items".
Very weird, have been a vine member for over 4 years and have reviewed around 4,300 products, have never had a review rejected to this date! Never cancelled an order, gave detailed reviews and had a 94% current review rate. Was reviewing exactly the sake way i normally do and have never had an issue before. Just weird that they don't inform you what you may have done but they just decide to permanently close the account.
Is there a way to appeal or get them to review the account, anyway to get reinstated? Got little hope to be fair most amazon customer service replying to emails don't even know what vine is.
I also doubt they re invite ex vine members in the future but not sure, difficult one really cant believe it lol.