Numbers are off?

My evaluation date is coming up on the 16th so I've been making sure everything is ready. I have 4 items that need reviewed (they're being delivered before the end of the week). 5 items are pending approval, and any other review I've submitted has been marked aporoved.

So! Under my orders tab it says I have 300 orders. Reviews it says 292 (not sure if the 5 pending are included in this or not?) Awaiting review it says 4 (waiting for delivery of these)

But my stats don't add up under the Account section. I'm no mathematician by any means but I don't think things are adding up right. On the Account section it says I've reviewed 251 items and am at 89%. I've read on here that sometimes it takes days for those numbers to update, however like 40 reviews haven't updated that number yet? Seems kinda weird no?

Anyway if anyone could she'd some light on what might be going on I'd really appreciate it!

My evaluation date is coming up on the 16th so I've been making sure everything is ready. I have 4 items that need reviewed (they're being delivered before the end of the week). 5 items are pending approval, and any other review I've submitted has been marked aporoved.

So! Under my orders tab it says I have 300 orders. Reviews it says 292 (not sure if the 5 pending are included in this or not?) Awaiting review it says 4 (waiting for delivery of these)

But my stats don't add up under the Account section. I'm no mathematician by any means but I don't think things are adding up right. On the Account section it says I've reviewed 251 items and am at 89%. I've read on here that sometimes it takes days for those numbers to update, however like 40 reviews haven't updated that number yet? Seems kinda weird no?

Anyway if anyone could she'd some light on what might be going on I'd really appreciate it!