AITA for hollering about my disdain towards my aunt.
On an iPhone so I apologize for any grammar errors
So to start this off, I have never been a fan of my aunt as I always saw her as an entitled parent who leaches off my mother for emotional and financial support. Ever since she was young she was ‘the baby’ of the family - my mother being the older sister. My mom is the kind of person who overwhelmingly cares too much and often puts a lot of strain on herself to try and help ppl, and my aunt loves to exploit this. My aunt also has her own children who some she gets along with and others who have cut her off as she is a toxic person.
The last couple of days my father has been in the ER for reasons we are still trying figuring out - and while my mom has been the rock this entire time and trying to calm everyone down, I know she’s hurting and scared. I came home to check on her as she had asked me to come over and stay with her, only to find out she was on the phone with my aunt who was yelling and shouting about how bad her life was and how my mom didn’t help take care of her when she was young and didn’t tell her about the horrible the world was……. I insisted my mom hang up the phone so that she wouldn’t talk to her anymore, at this point my mom had been drinking so she was a little intoxicated and she thought she hung up but she didn’t. It was at this point I snapped and started yelling about how bad of a person my aunt was and how I didn’t want her talking to her anymore because she was making her feel bad about shit that happened years ago (and as an older sister she’s not a parent so I don’t know why she was being blamed for not parenting her when they had two great parents) - I was also livid that my aunt would make light of the situation my mom was already in as we are in fear that she will lose her husband/my dad just so that she could put the highlight on her so she can get all the attention - (this is not the first time she has tried to steal all the attention). I broke down and started hollering about how much I hated her (my aunt) and didn’t want her in my life anymore and I didn’t want my mother to talk to her until my dad was cleared from the hospital. That’s when I noticed that the phone call had not ended and my aunt had heard everything. She later texted me that she was upset that I felt that way about her and about her grieving process about my dad. I didn’t respond back and don’t plan on it. The next morning I relayed everything back to my mother and I can tell she is upset about everything but she agrees with me.
But I seriously feel like I stepped out of bounds and made the situation worse. As of now, my dad looks like he’s doing well so we are in hopes he will be out of danger soon.
But I hate that I may have caused a lot of problems for my mom and my aunts relationship. I didn’t want her to hear what I had to say because I knew it was going to be bad as I knew I was on the verge of snapping - but unfortunately I had to lose my cool at the wrong moment.