AITA I told my BF to get a life
[Clarification] I have seen a couple of comments and would like to clarify that since I am in school full-time, I don’t have a job currently. We both have a good amount of savings and usually split things 50/50. I also am in the process of getting a part-time job through my university.
[Edit] I accidentally put 24F for my boyfriend. He is 24, and I am 26
My (26F) boyfriend (24M) of almost two years has been out of a job for around a month now. In addition to this, I recently went back to school full-time and have to wake up early for classes (6am). Every single night (and I mean every single night) he gets on to play video games with a couple of his friends. They play a very competitive game which needs communication from every player at all times. They tend to be quite loud when they are playing, especially if they are on a losing streak (which tends to be most of the time) This has been going on for around 6 months which was irritating at times because he doesn’t want to spend quality time with me during the night but was doable when we both were working full-time and he only played for a couple of hours at a time.
However, during the last two months I have become increasingly upset as he tends to keep me up well into the AM when I have to get up for classes in the morning. I understand “getting into the game” but when he’s yelling at the tv, it either makes it extremely hard to go to sleep or completely wakes me up. I have talked to him about getting on earlier and getting off earlier, or just taking the night off when I have classes the next day. Now mind you, this discussion has been acted out several times. The horse isn’t dead, it has been beat to oblivion. Whenever I ask him to get off the game, he insists that he can be quiet when playing and apologizes and says “I was just getting into it”. And every time I walk back into the bedroom to sleep, he’s yelling at the tv 10 minutes later.
Last night, after him reassuring me that they would get off early since they got on earlier, he kept playing until it was nearly midnight. I had asked him to just keep it down since I didn’t have class today but still needed to wake up early since I have an exam tmrw that I need to study for. He kept yelling at the tv and I was fed up from the last two months and stormed out of the bedroom. I told him to “shut the fuck up and get a fucking life” in which his response was to accuse me of being rude and to tell me to stop being so mean. I understand that it probably wasn’t the best thing to say (knowing that he has been stressed out about being unemployed), but I was so fed up with everything and let my emotions get the best of me. We haven’t talked much today, but I am still so irritated to apologize. AITA for telling him to get a life?