AITA for coming home upset after my boyfriend said he would cook and didn’t

For context, my (F23) boyfriend (M26) and i live together. He is still studying (online) and i work full time (7:30 to 4pm). He is at home the entire day.

i usually come home to cook and i really don’t mind it at all. Today my boyfriend said he would cook as i told him i was really hungry during work. (so that the food would be done when i got home so i could just eat)

i got home and nothing was done. I got very irritated and just went straight to the kitchen and started cooking. My boyfriend saw that i was upset and said he was gonna cook but he was waiting for the maid to come and wash the pots and she only came at 3pm. In my head i thought why can’t you wash one pot? but i said nothing.

instead i said, why couldn’t you atleast prepare the things i needed to cook like cut the onions, peel the potatoes etc. he goes on to say he didn’t do it because where would he leave it while the maid cleans. i was just shocked because firstly that’s the dumbest excuse anyone could come up with, and secondly, can you not use common sense?

anyway, long story short, he’s now mad at me and not talking to me and sleeping in the lounge. I’m so frustrated, how can he be mad at me for something he did???? AITA for getting upset with him because he didn’t cook?

it’s literally my birthday tomorrow and he’s not even talking to me currently. all i wanted was to come home today and have the food ready so i could eat. i don’t mind doing the cooking but then don’t say the food will be done and when i get there nothing has been done. i’m so frustrated currently and he just makes it seem as though im the bad person and i just feel like shit

edit: for everyone asking about the maid, she only comes once a week to do a thorough clean. my boyfriend usually washes the left over dishes during the day when i’m at work. this sort of makes me more mad because then he had no excuse not to wash the pot

I tried talking to him about it and he said “but you knew i was going to do it, i was just waiting for the maid to be done” but that was not what was discussed. he then proceeded to say i chose to come home and get upset and be rude, and i said if he was in my shoes he would understand why i was frustrated. He then said i was talking to my “hoes” (i was literally talking to my parents while i was waiting for the food to get done) and when i said he’s being immature and ridiculous he told me to fuck off and went back to sleep on the couch. very very hurt, he’s never been vulgar towards me i’m just at a loss for words. and i refuse to run after him.

for everyone asking if we discussed a time: he only agreed to cook because i was really hungry today and so the food would be done when i get home and i could just go eat