WIBTA if I bought a motion activated door chime for my office because my partner keeps scaring me?
Me and my partner both work from home. During the day I work out of a spare room and he works out of the living room, so during work hours these two spaces essentially work as two offices. I will refer to the room I work in as my office for simplicity sakes but it is not the exclusive use of that room and there is a second bathroom that can only be accessed through the spare room.
I scare extremely easily. I usually keep the door open unless one of us is on a call, but very frequently my husband will walk into the room and scare me really badly. Like I'll *scream* and jump and for a few seconds I genuinely cannot control my reaction, like I feel like I almost white out for a second sometime it scares me so bad. I dont handle it very well, a good scare will leave me shaking for hours after. I know I'm very weak to being scared and that its an unreasonable reaction but I genuinely cannot control it. I have some trauma in my past that contributes, but I am working with a therapist.
My partner takes a great deal of offence to my reactions, even though I try to explain I cant control them. Sometimes when he startles me like that I'll say something like "Why did you do that?" or "why do you keep doing that?" as a reaction and that hurts his feelings. I always apologize and try to assure him its not personal, its just what comes out of my mouth when I'm scared but I can tell it really bothers him.
I've asked him to just pause and knock before he comes in but thats not really fair to make him stop and knock in his own house to enter a room that isnt exclusively for my use. The scares are bad enough that they can greatly impact my work day. I know this seems extreme, but a good scare makes me feel like my brain turns off for a while after until I get ahold of myself again.
I suggested this morning, after a good scare, that maybe I should get a motion sensor door chime like they have at shops! I could install it in the hall just before my door and put the noise maker on my desk so that I'll hear the noise and know he's coming.
My Partner thinks that thats over the top but I want to find a solution that will work. Would I be the asshole if I just bought a chime and set it up?
edit: I'm reading everything as it comes in this is just a lot of messages thank you!
edit2: sorry, I'm like, a little overwhelmed. A lot of people are saying he's doing it on purpose and I hadnt thought of that and I'm more than entertaining that idea. I'm gonna try my best to reply to comments, thank you
Those curious about the Brad story it doesnt have an interesting conclusion but if enough people care I will post an FAQ over on ask reddit.