AITA for expecting my bf to grow up?

I (19f) and my bf (23m) have been together for 2 years. We met when I was about to turn 18 and I moved in as my home life wasn't the best. It was strictly supposed to be roommates but then we ended up messing around. I had 2 jobs and did not want a relationship. Over the 5 months before we would get together, he would tell me and our mutual friend that he wanted to go places in life and we should try to, and with me working at a fast food and gas station, I needed to do better. I also had dropped out at that point and he was very clear that he did not think I would make it without it. He would push us severely to change and be how he thought we should be, then finally chilled out right before we got together.

It's now a year and a half later, we have moved into a house I rent, and I work at a very nice tech company. I am the youngest there and am pretty high up for someone of my age group (19). I am back in school and working towards graduating, started getting my credit up, and doing everything in my power to set myself up for a good life. My bf is working a night job and whenever he is not there, is on the game. We were supposed to fix the house up so we could have an in home gym, refinish the basement, and other projects. He has not helped besides 20 minutes of putting things in a trash can and when I ask him to help me, he never wants to. Wants to go to college but will not see what he needs to do to take the next step for it. He had legal issues last year and refused to get a lawyer or anything regarding his case, so I went and got him a lawyer and attended all the meetings. The one meeting I asked him to go to, he freaked out bc he didn't want to go. This situation has basically been our relationship anytime he needs to do something for himself, it's put onto me I have told him that I do not feel like he is going anywhere in life at this point and that he needs to do something for himself. I told him if he got off the game sometimes, he maybe could reach these goals. He told me there is nothing to do at this point and has stopped doing anything all together, refusing to make phone calls for himself, make appointments, or look at classes for college then complains about how he wants to go so bad. I am tired of beating around the bush and tell him straight up that where he is in life is because of his actions and he won't go anywhere until he stops being lazy and expecting me to get him places He feels like I'm the asshole but I don't see it. This man was harsh in the fact of telling me I needed to do something better with my life when we met and now won't take his same advice. Am I the asshole?