AITA for not wanting to wear perfume?

I have never liked perfume, I don't know why, and I can't even begin to guess. I just never liked wearing it myself. And the last couple of years I seem to have developed some kind of allergy or something to it cuz it just throws me into a coughing fit way more than it did when I was smaller. So I just avoid it altogether really. My father however has always insisted that I wear some when I go out despite how many times I told him I don't like it. When I ran out I just used the excuse that I didn't have any because I really didn't, but then he'd buy me a whole pack again. So after a point I just gave up telling him how I felt about it and either gave what I had left to my sister or threw it out and just let him keep the impression that I still had perfume.

The other day he found out I've never had any perfume for a good while now and he got so upset. I lied, so him getting upset over that is understandable. But he was also upset about the fact I don't wear perfume to a degree I just don't understand. I get he means well. You want to smell nice while going out and all. But he acts as tho perfume is the ONLY way to smell nice. Like, there are scented lotions and body washes. I always make sure I'm still clean and don't smell bad at the end of the day too. I don't even want a certain scent on me most of the time from other scented products. So long as I don't smell bad I'm fine. But at this point a part of me is questioning if just using decent smelling soaps and lotions work. Is it so wrong to not want to wear perfume?