AITA for using my hearing aids to make someone look stupid?

I (f18) have moderate hearing loss. I lost hearing over the years with many ear related incidents. I wear hearing aids to hear people talk sometimes but I mainly use them at school. When I start I school year I tell the teacher that I wear hearing aids and they normally put me next to their desks so I can hear them without the use of my hearing aids.

In one of my classes I have a girl lily. Lily likes to yell at people to get them to come to her instead of getting up to talk to them. No matter who tells her to stop she won't. The teacher stop trying to get her to stop a pong time ago.

In this class we have to take notes. Lily missed notes day and the teacher told her to find someone with notes. No onwe near her wanted to give he the notes so she chose me.

I was on the opposite side of the room and she began yelling at me. She has done this all year and it was annoying. I didn't look at her. I just kept working on other school work. I wasn't going to give her special treatment because she was lazy. (She had no mobility issues. She just doesn't want to walk to other people)

She kept getting louder and more frustrated that I wasn't going to her. She yelled at me for 10 minutes before she stood up and walked over to me. She was very mad at me and kept saying that it was stupid that I didn't go to her and that she shouldn't have to stand up. she very loudly asked "what are you deaf?"

The entire class was watching us. (I have no idea where the teacher was) I slowly turned to her before taking out the case that has my hearing aids in it and made a show of putting them in. I then very loudly asked her "what?".

She got very red in the face and then turned around and walked back to her seat. No one in that class knew I wore hearing aids because my hair covers them.

My sister said it was mean of me to do that to her because she didn't know and I wasn't wearing my hearing aids and I could hear her because she was very loud.

So, Aita?

Edit: thanks for the awards!

Edit 2: I posted this over 12 hours ago and I wasn't expecting to get over 700 comments and 10 awards! Thank you kind strangers. This is my first ever post!