Am I the Bad Apple for getting a student permanently expelled and being cold about it?

Trigger Warning: Harassment

I have posted here twice before and decided this might also be a fitting one to ask about. Especially since I was told by mutiple students that I had been too harsh. It is a long story, so bear with me.

When I started university one male student who was an adult at the time introduced himself with the following words. "Hi I am Connor and I am a sex God." I just awkwardly introduced myself and decided to ignore him and his crazy talk. I made it clear that I would NEVER be interested in him and would only be kind because I had manners not because I liked him.

Fast forward a few weeks. Connor would follow me around, push me against lockers. Try to feel me up, or even try to get into the female bathroom. I always managed to evade him and would wait in the bathroom until I had another student to walk with. He also would touch my shoulders and knees during breakd which would always get the same reaction from me. "Do NOT touch me Connor. I will kick your butt if you do." Apparantly it was an exciting thought for him because he would do it more often and he would stop harrashing younger girls.

After about half a year came my breaking point. Connor decided that he could palm my breasts while I was seated at a table and closed in by him. He than proceeded to ignore my warnings. "Connor if you do not stop touching me now, you will be on the Ground crying." He ignored it and told me that: "You are just a little girl, you would not dare!" Mind you that it was in front of a filled aula. Finally when he least expected it, I pushed my elbow with full force through a gap of the chair and Connor went down. He was crying and could not get up for minutes. I turned around and told him coldly. "Maybe you should listen to little girls next time." Before turning my back and eating my lunch.

I thought that would be that... Someone than made a groupapp in which Connor apparantly was also a member. I did not know that and Connor apped me an apology. I accepted on the terms that he would leave me alone. He did not. Not even two weeks later Connor apped me that I could talk with him any time. In the middle of the night! Also about sex.

I than blocked him after telling him off. People heard from him about it so I got the cold shoulder from everyone. I unblocked him and than he did it again. Finally I was entirely done. I e-mailed an Admin and told him that I needed a conversation ASAP. He immediately made an appointment and as soon as he heard my story he told me to get my Mentor.

I got my Mentor at the table. He also was shocked but told me he had heard about the aula incident and him and the other teachers had wondered what had happend to make an unknown girl that violent. I showed them the messages and Connor was in big trouble. I told them what I wished to happen since there were mutiple options and they did expel him for three days, told him that the school psychologist would be open for him and that even one small signal that he would be doing this again would get him permanently expelled while also written up in the system. Meanwhile my Mentor could not stop telling me how proud he was about his kindest student kicking Connor. Also told me to get his vunerable spot inbetween the legs next time. Mind you that Mentor was a male. They also gave me a free pass to defend myself physically against Connor even in front of other students. Although there was a heavy rule against violence. I would have to go to detention if I hit someone but my detention would have been turned into a music or movie party with the teachers. So not too bad right.

Fast forward a few months and Connor and a few other students tried to bully me. I ignored it and just focused upon school. Than about a year later Connor wanted to talk. This was the conversation. "I am permanantly expelled. You have to tell Admin that you lied about me touching you." I looked at him and asked him this. "Connor what did you do, the same again?" He swallowed uneasily. "Yes." I than calmly spoke again. "So you want me to lie because we both know the truth." He nodded and said. "But I have a lot of dept and have to sell my car, won't have the resources to go to another University and have to go live with my parents. I just have a few months left." I looked him in the eyes. "What do you think. That I will give up my credibility just because you could not keep your hands to yourself?" He sighed. "No?" I smiled as cold as I could. "No! No and no!" I than sighed and told him this. "I would go look for a job at the supermarket than. Sounds like you need it. They always look for employees." He turned red and approached me. Hence one of the other students stepping in.

Eventually I managed to escape his anger because of the other students but was told that I was too cold again. Was I the Bad Apple for being that harsh?