AIO boyfriend got too excited during s*x


i’m sorry. i don’t have anyone to talk to right now and i just don’t know what to think.

my boyfriend and i were having s*x. and a specific position immediately brought a lot of pain to my stomach. so of course i screamed in pain and said stop stop. he then stopped for a couple secs and pulled me back and said “you’ll take what i give you” and did it again with my hands behind my back, i then screamed again said stop and cried. afterwards he said “sorry i just got excited” and we continued in a different position. i kinda just went numb after.

we hadn’t had s*x in a few weeks and he likes ruff and dirty talk and we usually do stuff like that but i didn’t think he would keep going. i just don’t know what to think and i just feel so numb. can’t tell if i’m just over thinking this. but after i say stop he usually checks in on me and asks if i wanna keep going. he is dominant and likes it ruff and i didn’t think he would take it so far but idk i was screaming with the pain. am i overreacting ?