AIO for finally snapping on my abusive ex?
I (18f) dated my ex (20m) for roughly 3 months. It started off really good and then about a month in I caught him messaging a girl in a sexual way. I told him he needed to stop and we talked it out and I was very patient with him because we hadn’t established boundaries before that. Another time when we were hanging out I saw another flirty message on his phone (I’m not big on going through other peoples phones and he didn’t feel comfortable giving me his password) I tried going through the messages but couldn’t guess his password, when he saw me trying to get into his phone he got violent and threw me into his dresser. This was when I finally decided to call it quits and then rekindled with an ex about a week afterwards. He had his mother message me and send me nasty messages. These were the texts I received today and I finally snapped. Did I overreact?