Who was the most sadistic villain in AIB?

In my opinion, it has to be Mira Kano (Qo❤️) because she literally made up lies that Arisu believed to make him lose sanity of himself. She created the Seven of Hearts because Arisu was close with Chota and Karube and she wanted to see how he reacted to their deaths and sacrificing. Her intelligence is very high because she was able to see through other people's personalities. If Usagi didn't slit her wrist, Mira would have won entirely. All her lies for me was so believable and realistic that it identitical to real life scenarios.

She was cruel. Very cruel. Her skills in psychology made her a massive liar and don't tell me that you did not fall for her lies. Queen of Hearts couldn't be killed unless true love (Usagi and Arisu) was present. She was all alone and wanted the Croquet game to last longer to atleast have some people around her after all the other face cards succumbing to their deaths.The way Riisa Naka portrays her is deemed to be one of the best acting I have ever seen. Perfect casting.

Mira as a person is very calm and mysterious. In the Borderlands, she is entertained by the games to see the true nature of humans, and even if it the death of other characters. During Ten of Hearts (Witch Hunt) she tells Kuzuryuu about how he should be excited that people are going to play the second stage (face cards). Mira has no empathy towards players unless she is faced by the power of love, which she becomes less heartless and more compassionate for those who are suffering.

Another villain I would put up there is Niragi. His character is the definition of how people can change from being inferior in the real life to superior in the Borderlands. In my opinion, he had barely any character development unlike Mira. He tried to grape Usagi twice, he had killed over 20 people and almost killed Chishiya.

This is where his backstory comes into play with his character. He was severely bullied as a teen irl. And his fans make him a saint for that. No backstory unlike Niragi's will cause the actions that he did.He had no remorse for his victims, not even trying to SA Usagi. He is very well written, too well written to be exact, but he is written to be unlikeable and hated from the start of his development. This justifies what type of people you see in the Borderlands. Anyone can join. If the fans didn't see him as a hot, cutie pie then he would be the most hated character of all time.

How about you? What do YOU think is the most sadistic villain in AIB?