Memorial Tattoo
Hello all,
I hope this is okay to post here. If not, I totally understand if my post gets deleted.
My grandfather was a Chief Master Sargent. His time serving his country was something he was very proud of.
Im getting tattoos for my family members that have passed. Grandpa is up next. I was thinking it could be cool to get (and I am a total civilian so excuse me for getting the terminology incorrect) the rank patch tattooed on my arm where it would have been on his uniform. But the more I thought about it, I feel like that’s a bit too “stolen valor”. Pop wasn’t crazy about tattoos but he would have hated me tarnishing the Air Force.
So, I’m wondering, what would a person get that wants to respectfully pay homage to their grandfather’s service?
Thank you all. I appreciate your help and your dedication to our country.