Revange of the Gods/Concequences of betraying one
Hi (i am Game Master),
one of my core players is Stormcast Eternal and he betrayed, literally, Sigmar, by pacting/doing some action behind-the-scenes with Nagash to get bigger power. Last session he helped Khaine cultist to complete ritual and than he pacted with Nurgle to get even more power.... Also (after few betreyals and changing his character to ruin everything) he thinks that Geneva Convention is some type of checklist. It is some chaotic neutral/evil being that want only to get even more power....
The team is trying to stop him somehow (they now consider to just kill him) or do redemption arc of him but i do not think that is any chance because of his roleplay. The team is something like chaotic good or maybe neutral.
I really do not know what to do with that Stormcast Player. In Wh Fantasy we got some mechanics like ,,god's vengance'', but due to my unkown to lore and the power level i really do not know how to react. With Nagash it was easy due to campaign in Shyish, but know it is just some sick railroad to hell. Have you got any ideas how to punish him or even drow him to bigger madness?
PS: Sorry for my London